Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cancer Center

Disorder of cells


The word "cancer" is Greek word Karkinos that drives by the Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 BC), who was appraise as the "Father of Medicine." According to Hippocrates the words carcinos and carcinoma that narrate non-ulcer forming and ulcer-forming tumors. These words known as the crab in Greek, because finger like spreading projections form a cancer called to mind the shape of cancer. The Term from Greek translated into cancer (Latin word for crab) by the Roman physician Celsus (28-50 BC). Later on another physician Galen (130-200 AD), word oncos (Greek word for swelling) to narrate the tumors. But Crab comparatively use to narrate the malignant tumors, Theory of Hippocrates and Celsus. Cancer specialist such oncologist, name describes from the Galen's term.

But it was not considered as the Hippocrates is first person who describes cancer’s cell. But the First famous Scottish surgeon john Hunter (1728-1793), who suggested the other surgeons that how to remove the cancer cells through operation. History also suggested that from the history animal and humans have had cancer. There were many dawn histories has been written about cancer. Former history suggested that cancer has been found in fossilized bones tumor, in ancient Egypt in human mummies and in ancient manuscripts. Due to these history name for the bone cancer suggested that is osteosarcoma that were found in mummies. In these mummies, destruction of bony skulls such as head and neck has been found. In Egypt and dates back to about 3000 BC, the very oldest description about the cancer has been found. This description is known as the Edwin Smith Papyrus is copy of part of an ancient Egyptian textbook on trauma surgery. In early days’ tumors of breast that were destruct with the tool called fire drill. But in written form for cancer diseases, "there is no treatment."


The word cancer is given to all affiliated diseases. The word "cancer" in which the body cells begin to abnormally dividing without termination keep spreading on all surrounding tissues. Normally, in human body when there is need of cells then the new cells form by division and old cell or damage cells die and new cells that forms take their place. But in cancer this whole procedure breakdown and division of cells starts abnormally. Instead of taking the place of damage or old cells by the new cells, the old or damage cells keep surviving instead of die. Moreover, the extra cells stars spreading without termination and keep spreading until a growth called tumors. Tumors can be solid form, from the messes of tissues. Leukemia’s (blood cancer) is not solid tumors.
Cancer cells vs Normal cells
Cancer cell are malignant, means the tumor can spread and conquer over the other tissues. As the cancer grows some of tumor breaks and start travelling to the other parts of body through the blood or lymph system but on the other hand benign tumors are in large size but not travel to other parts of body (through breaking tumor). The removal of benign tumor is far tough and sometimes they don’t break but malignant tumor sometimes does.

Cause of cancer:
Cancer begin when there is gene change in one cell and it starts growing and keep multiplying too much over surrounding tissues. The primary tumors are from where the cancer has been starts but sometimes the cancer starts spreading to the other part of the body. That spreading onto the other parts of body is called secondary tumors or metastasis. The material that cause cancer known as the carcinogens. Biological factors of internal factors like inherited genetic defects, age, skin type and gender.
Disorder of cancer cells
In cases of cancer should not be comprises by the single cause, there are multiple causes of cancer as follows:
Biological factors - of internal factors like inherited genetic defects, age, skin type and gender.
Environmental vulnerability- such as the UV radiations, radon and Particulate matter. Some the occupational risk comprises the carcinogens cells like chemicals, radioactive materials and asbestos.
Lifestyle risk - that cause cancer such as tobacco, alcohol, UV radiations in sunlight and some foods having nitrites and barbecuing foods in which poly aromatic hydrocarbons contained.
Bacteria and viruses - helicobacter pylori, HBV, HCV (hepatitis viruses), HPV (papilloma virus change happens in cervical cells) and EBV (Epstein-Barr virus cause inflammation and throat lymphoid).
Drugs - immune deficiency (causing medicine), certain hormones and certain antineoplastic agents.
Predisposition that cause breast cancer at the extent of overall 5 - 10 percent.
Types of cancer:

There are more than 100 types of cancer. The name given to the cancer accordingly from where these tumors originated. Some of these well-known cancer listed below:
AIDS-Related Lymphoma (Lymphoma)
Anal cancer
Bladder cancer
Childhood Bladder cancer
Skin Cancer
Breast Cancer
Brain tumors
Cardiac (Heart) Tumors
These are rare forms cancer, but cancer is most dangerous and wherever the cells exists its can happened there.
List of cancer below:

Symptoms of cancer:

Early warning of cancer in female or male:
Appetite loss (due to several conditions) comprises as flu, slow or low metabolism.
Blood in stool (came from maybe stomach or intestine) but properly through the colonoscopy.
Blood in urine (sign or urinary tract), kidney bladder cancer or kidney stones.
Cough (doesn’t go away). Lungs cancer, bleed shortness in breath, chest pain, hoarsens and fatigue (especially for smokers).
Extreme fatigue (not the normal type of tiredness but don’t go away).

Cancer hospitals:

8.2 million People died due to the cancer in 2012. About 250,000 patients arrived to the clinics of Germany. Due to the affordable prices and high level of medical services Asia become very popular.
There are some top ranking hospitals:
1. Asklepios Medical center (Europe)
2. Bumrungrad international Hospital (Thailand)
3. San Donato Hospital Group (Itlay)
4. Sant Joan de Deu (Spain)
5. Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Hospital) in Israel
6. Anadolu Medical center (Turkey)
7. Helios Hospital berlin-Buch (Germany)
8. Apollo Hospital (India)
9. LIV Hospital (Turkey)
10. Severance Hospital (South Korea)

Cancer Treatment:

Surgery (removes the cancer from the which body part through the surgery), Radiation Therapy (Use the high doses of radiation from killing the cancer cells and shrinking the tumors), Chemotherapy (type of treatment in which cancer cells kills by giving the drugs), Immunotherapy to treat cancer (Make stronger immune system for fighting with cancer), Targeted Therapy (This type of therapy includes the changing in the cells that are abnormally growing, dividing and spreading), Hormone Therapy (Slows the growth of breast and prostate cancer that use the hormone to grow), stem cell Transplant (Restoring the blood forming stem cells which had destroyed due to the high doses of Chemotherapy or radiation), Precision Medicine (Selecting treatment for cancer and allows them of getting understanding about disease).

Breast Cancer:  

In US, almost every woman out of 8 women are surviving with the invasive breast cancer (12.4%). It was estimated that almost 266,120 new invasive breast cancer were diagnosed in US as well as the 63,960 noninvasive breast cancer in 2018. In 2018, 2,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in men. The tendency of invasive breast cancer in men is 1 of 1,000. In US, about 40,920 women are expected to die due to the breast cancer and that rate is decreasing since 1989. This is due to the earlier detection and awareness. Other than the lung cancer, the tendency of death of women due to breast cancer is higher than any cancer. It is said that the breast cancer is commonly diagnosed in women and 1n 2017, 30% deaths due to the breast cancer. Breast cancer is most common is African-American women rather than the white women of age of 45. African-American women most likely die due to breast cancer. Asian, Hispanic and Native-American women have less risk of developing and die due to breast cancer. About 5-10% of breast cancer happens that linked due to gene mutation (abnormal changes) inherited from mother of the father. About 85% of breast cancer occur in women that have no breast cancer history in their family. This is due to the genetic mutation result of aging process other than the genetic mutation. This risk of breast cancer is higher in growing old women.


Cancer is cause due to the disturbance of cells. That starts invading or spreading into the other tissues. Cancerous are malignant that breaks down and start travelling to the other part of body through the blood or lymph system. Other than malignant, benign tumor is unable to break and when do removable of such tumor sometimes doesn’t break but malignant do.
Cancer is second cause of death in U.S. over the 480,000 people die each year due to the consumption of cigarette.
National cancer institute “Cancer Types” n.p, n.d Available: Last accessed December 9, 2018.

CANCER RESEARCH UK “what is cancer” n.p, n.d

National Cancer Institute “What is cancer” About Cancer n.p, n.d
Available: Last accessed December 9, 2018.

American Cancer Society “Cancer in sixteenth to eighteenth Century” The History of cancer n.p, n.d Available: last accessed December 9, 2018.

WebMD “How to spot the early warning signs of cancer” n.p, n.d  
Available: last accessed December 9, 2018.

KidsHealth “What is cancer” n.p, n.d Available: last accessed December 9, 2018.

CancerResearchUK “World Wide cancer mortality statistics” About cancer n.p, n.d


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