Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cancer Center

Disorder of cells


The word "cancer" is Greek word Karkinos that drives by the Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 BC), who was appraise as the "Father of Medicine." According to Hippocrates the words carcinos and carcinoma that narrate non-ulcer forming and ulcer-forming tumors. These words known as the crab in Greek, because finger like spreading projections form a cancer called to mind the shape of cancer. The Term from Greek translated into cancer (Latin word for crab) by the Roman physician Celsus (28-50 BC). Later on another physician Galen (130-200 AD), word oncos (Greek word for swelling) to narrate the tumors. But Crab comparatively use to narrate the malignant tumors, Theory of Hippocrates and Celsus. Cancer specialist such oncologist, name describes from the Galen's term.

But it was not considered as the Hippocrates is first person who describes cancer’s cell. But the First famous Scottish surgeon john Hunter (1728-1793), who suggested the other surgeons that how to remove the cancer cells through operation. History also suggested that from the history animal and humans have had cancer. There were many dawn histories has been written about cancer. Former history suggested that cancer has been found in fossilized bones tumor, in ancient Egypt in human mummies and in ancient manuscripts. Due to these history name for the bone cancer suggested that is osteosarcoma that were found in mummies. In these mummies, destruction of bony skulls such as head and neck has been found. In Egypt and dates back to about 3000 BC, the very oldest description about the cancer has been found. This description is known as the Edwin Smith Papyrus is copy of part of an ancient Egyptian textbook on trauma surgery. In early days’ tumors of breast that were destruct with the tool called fire drill. But in written form for cancer diseases, "there is no treatment."


The word cancer is given to all affiliated diseases. The word "cancer" in which the body cells begin to abnormally dividing without termination keep spreading on all surrounding tissues. Normally, in human body when there is need of cells then the new cells form by division and old cell or damage cells die and new cells that forms take their place. But in cancer this whole procedure breakdown and division of cells starts abnormally. Instead of taking the place of damage or old cells by the new cells, the old or damage cells keep surviving instead of die. Moreover, the extra cells stars spreading without termination and keep spreading until a growth called tumors. Tumors can be solid form, from the messes of tissues. Leukemia’s (blood cancer) is not solid tumors.
Cancer cells vs Normal cells
Cancer cell are malignant, means the tumor can spread and conquer over the other tissues. As the cancer grows some of tumor breaks and start travelling to the other parts of body through the blood or lymph system but on the other hand benign tumors are in large size but not travel to other parts of body (through breaking tumor). The removal of benign tumor is far tough and sometimes they don’t break but malignant tumor sometimes does.

Cause of cancer:
Cancer begin when there is gene change in one cell and it starts growing and keep multiplying too much over surrounding tissues. The primary tumors are from where the cancer has been starts but sometimes the cancer starts spreading to the other part of the body. That spreading onto the other parts of body is called secondary tumors or metastasis. The material that cause cancer known as the carcinogens. Biological factors of internal factors like inherited genetic defects, age, skin type and gender.
Disorder of cancer cells
In cases of cancer should not be comprises by the single cause, there are multiple causes of cancer as follows:
Biological factors - of internal factors like inherited genetic defects, age, skin type and gender.
Environmental vulnerability- such as the UV radiations, radon and Particulate matter. Some the occupational risk comprises the carcinogens cells like chemicals, radioactive materials and asbestos.
Lifestyle risk - that cause cancer such as tobacco, alcohol, UV radiations in sunlight and some foods having nitrites and barbecuing foods in which poly aromatic hydrocarbons contained.
Bacteria and viruses - helicobacter pylori, HBV, HCV (hepatitis viruses), HPV (papilloma virus change happens in cervical cells) and EBV (Epstein-Barr virus cause inflammation and throat lymphoid).
Drugs - immune deficiency (causing medicine), certain hormones and certain antineoplastic agents.
Predisposition that cause breast cancer at the extent of overall 5 - 10 percent.
Types of cancer:

There are more than 100 types of cancer. The name given to the cancer accordingly from where these tumors originated. Some of these well-known cancer listed below:
AIDS-Related Lymphoma (Lymphoma)
Anal cancer
Bladder cancer
Childhood Bladder cancer
Skin Cancer
Breast Cancer
Brain tumors
Cardiac (Heart) Tumors
These are rare forms cancer, but cancer is most dangerous and wherever the cells exists its can happened there.
List of cancer below:

Symptoms of cancer:

Early warning of cancer in female or male:
Appetite loss (due to several conditions) comprises as flu, slow or low metabolism.
Blood in stool (came from maybe stomach or intestine) but properly through the colonoscopy.
Blood in urine (sign or urinary tract), kidney bladder cancer or kidney stones.
Cough (doesn’t go away). Lungs cancer, bleed shortness in breath, chest pain, hoarsens and fatigue (especially for smokers).
Extreme fatigue (not the normal type of tiredness but don’t go away).

Cancer hospitals:

8.2 million People died due to the cancer in 2012. About 250,000 patients arrived to the clinics of Germany. Due to the affordable prices and high level of medical services Asia become very popular.
There are some top ranking hospitals:
1. Asklepios Medical center (Europe)
2. Bumrungrad international Hospital (Thailand)
3. San Donato Hospital Group (Itlay)
4. Sant Joan de Deu (Spain)
5. Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Hospital) in Israel
6. Anadolu Medical center (Turkey)
7. Helios Hospital berlin-Buch (Germany)
8. Apollo Hospital (India)
9. LIV Hospital (Turkey)
10. Severance Hospital (South Korea)

Cancer Treatment:

Surgery (removes the cancer from the which body part through the surgery), Radiation Therapy (Use the high doses of radiation from killing the cancer cells and shrinking the tumors), Chemotherapy (type of treatment in which cancer cells kills by giving the drugs), Immunotherapy to treat cancer (Make stronger immune system for fighting with cancer), Targeted Therapy (This type of therapy includes the changing in the cells that are abnormally growing, dividing and spreading), Hormone Therapy (Slows the growth of breast and prostate cancer that use the hormone to grow), stem cell Transplant (Restoring the blood forming stem cells which had destroyed due to the high doses of Chemotherapy or radiation), Precision Medicine (Selecting treatment for cancer and allows them of getting understanding about disease).

Breast Cancer:  

In US, almost every woman out of 8 women are surviving with the invasive breast cancer (12.4%). It was estimated that almost 266,120 new invasive breast cancer were diagnosed in US as well as the 63,960 noninvasive breast cancer in 2018. In 2018, 2,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in men. The tendency of invasive breast cancer in men is 1 of 1,000. In US, about 40,920 women are expected to die due to the breast cancer and that rate is decreasing since 1989. This is due to the earlier detection and awareness. Other than the lung cancer, the tendency of death of women due to breast cancer is higher than any cancer. It is said that the breast cancer is commonly diagnosed in women and 1n 2017, 30% deaths due to the breast cancer. Breast cancer is most common is African-American women rather than the white women of age of 45. African-American women most likely die due to breast cancer. Asian, Hispanic and Native-American women have less risk of developing and die due to breast cancer. About 5-10% of breast cancer happens that linked due to gene mutation (abnormal changes) inherited from mother of the father. About 85% of breast cancer occur in women that have no breast cancer history in their family. This is due to the genetic mutation result of aging process other than the genetic mutation. This risk of breast cancer is higher in growing old women.


Cancer is cause due to the disturbance of cells. That starts invading or spreading into the other tissues. Cancerous are malignant that breaks down and start travelling to the other part of body through the blood or lymph system. Other than malignant, benign tumor is unable to break and when do removable of such tumor sometimes doesn’t break but malignant do.
Cancer is second cause of death in U.S. over the 480,000 people die each year due to the consumption of cigarette.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Roadside Assistance: What Is It, and Do I Need It?

Roadside assistance

Our major focus is to being the partner of choice. We nourish our roadside assistance services by providing all the services in modish and quick way. When you won't able to drive your vehicle while suffering from problem of standing in between your driveway. Don't worry to make a call and we will be here for your assistance. Services professional will provide according to you correspond problem. In case of breakdown of your vehicle, our roadside assistance coverage is quickly providing you all resources. For employing roadside services on customer behalf, our company involves in partnership with your existing vehicle company for providing such services. The nature and location is major consideration for providing such services, of course the nearest one will send you to such services. Roadside assistance services include: Towing, battery services, flat tyre, fuel delivery, lockout service, and extraction. There are following information about such roadside services providers:

What roadside assistance services includes?

Our Roadside Assistance services will provide assistance on motorist, or bicycle or any vehicle that suffered from the mechanical damage and leaves the operator grounded. For any minor mechanical damage and accommodation in your vehicle, our roadside professionals will assist you to do for such damages and help you to drive your vehicle again securely. There is many that can be substantially includes in list of car insurance policy. But if our professional will not restore your vehicle to the state of safely driven your car then you may need such services as follows:

1. Towing Services

In case your vehicle won't be recover to the safely driven state then our services provide will mechanic up to the finite number of miles (But if you want to carry your vehicle to the some other more miles then you'll be charge some extra amount). We have fully trained team with great practice and experience and will only implement the best services for anytime. In any case, such as after an accident or collision, and if your vehicle is break down while covered under warranty require towing to the nearest vehicle assistance center. Additionally, you may also choose your vehicle that to be towed to the vehicle assistance center that to be nearest with 50 miles’ radius on your choices. Our team totally polish to accomplish your towing services and they will tow your vehicle with great safety to the destination with full responsibility.

Towing service

2. Battery jump-start Services

If your vehicle is stopped and you won’t be able to start your car again, in case don’t worry our service professional are here to assist you and pull you out from such case. Maybe due to the cold weather, interior of light left on and lack of use can be breakdown of your battery that will cause you strategy. For such strategic cases, our company professionals service provider will help you to jump start your battery that been advised through the manufacture. In some cases, such as someone on road is driving an electric car so he/she must have manual for operating his/her vehicle individually. On roadside, service providers are less qualified so the hybrid cars that has unique jump start that electric motors turns to the gasoline by using power must have to provide the owner manuals for such hybrid cars.

Battery Jump start

3. Flat Tyre

If you are on driveway on any parking area, and you got a flat tire then our company will assist you in changing your flat tire. Any tragedy can be happening to anyone at any time. No worries if you are member of roadside assistance, our team member that are professional in their services will help you to changing the tire of vehicle with your spare inside your vehicle.  With your working spare the service provider will immediately change your tire. Without a working spare, we can quickly and easily get you towed to the nearest mechanic. You don't need to tell your location by own, they will get your location by their own and will reach you for your assistance. Typically, they’ll not change tyres of motorbikes and vehicles with three tyres.

Flat tyre

4. Lockout Services

What's actually annoys, when you're locked out of the car (and keys are in car). That’s the moments nobody talks about but our roadside assistance professional is here to assist you in such annoy situations. Lockout is situation when you can't get the entry to your own vehicle but don’t worry we are here to and our roadside assistance professionals will help you in gain entry to your vehicle. A pump wedge or a long reach tool is use to unlock the door otherwise they'll call the locksmith to unlock the door and the roadside assistance will pay for you.

Lockout services

5. Fuel Delivery

Fuel delivery services have become a lifesaver in this modern age where convenience and practicality have taken center stage when it comes to satisfying consumer needs. If you are anywhere in EL Paso Texas and you run out of fuel or gas, seemingly its very annoying problem and that may get you late your destination. Moreover, service station is far from your reach. Our roadside assistance service professional with enough fuel to you easily get to the nearest fuel station. Some roadside assistance professional may not charge you cost for providing you fuel but some other may charge you for such fuel providing.

Fuel Delivery
6. Extrication or winching service 

If your car is struck somewhere or restrains and need to move your vehicle, then our professional service provider will provide a truck that will displace your vehicle. If your vehicle becomes stuck, it will be extricated or winched as long as it is adjacent to a passable, established road or thoroughfare and can be safely reached from the hard road surface. For such reason no worries about being struck somewhere because our company will help to make you tension free about this being restrain in traffic or maybe struck in mud or strategy maybe be happen anywhere or anytime. This process of taking your vehicle to safe place will charge you extra amount of money.

Extrication and winching services

Work citation:

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Giraffe: Thermoregulation, Metabolism and Homeostasis


                                       (Themoregulation, Metabolism and Homeostasis)

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Giraffe (group Giraffe), hoofed mammals of Africa with the characteristics of long legs, light background skin surfaced with unsymmetrical dark brown blotches on it with long neck with partly digested food. There are four species of Giraffe in which one have such characteristics. Till the age of four years’ giraffe gain his full height but the weight varies till the age of seven and eight. The weight of male giraffe is approximately more than 1,930kg this is in pounds of 4,250 and the weight of female giraffe is more than 1,180kg in pounds is 2,600. Their tail's length is approximately 1 meter with a black long tuft at the end. a short mane about a neck. either female of male giraffe, they both have horn but the male giraffe has a hollow-cheeked knob to the skull. As the Giraffe is one of the mammals having some astonished structure as they having a long neck that is full of strong muscles with a silhouette, on the vertebrae these long neck muscles is attached with the upper back too, the back slopes sliding down to the tail. Thought there only seven vertebrae in long spine but these are all high in length. Internally neck is full of thick walled arteries with the extra valve to prevent the gravity when the head in upward direction. particular blood vessels in neck helps in controlling the blood pressure when they down their heads. Giraffe specially eat the leaves from thorny acacia tree but they can eat leaves form other trees too. Male giraffe ingests 65kg of food per day as they are the tremendous eaters. For eating such leaves from thorny acacia tree, for such reason they have tough tissue in tongue for protection.

Giraffe have different word history. Giraffe name conducted from the Arabic word "zarafa" meant as fast walker and for that word adopted from the tribe named as Somali adapt it for the Arab travelers. previously when it comes to in English then it was known as the jarraf or Ziraf but for very short period of time it was known as "Camelopard" and that name found by the little resemblance in camel (due to height) and leopard (due to dark blotches) on it.

Thermoregulation in giraffe:

The capacity to conserve a comparatively continual physique temperature is median to the endurance of vertebrate. Body Temperature of giraffe is 38.5 ± 0.5°C, and they found in most of time in hot environment rather than cold environments and they have to spread the perfect thermoregulatory Structure to manage the temperature and endure in selected environment. On the corporeal structure, behavioral and anatomical characteristics the thermoregulation depends.
Their body structure is such as for avoiding the physiological thermoregulation in giraffes, their bodies accustom to obtain the luminous heat and transfers the heat through liquid or gas and attempt the shadow. Due to their "dolicomorphic" structure body area is maximizing instead of increasing their mass of metabolism but maximize the heat loss system through the body. Another Thermoregulatory function is vascularized ossicones and work as the thermoregulatory organ. Most particular physiological system is attaining heat loss via evaporation. As the heat mostly loss from due to the reparatory system therefore both the nasal activity and respiratory system are merge and cool down the arterial blood.

Thermoregulation in Giraffe

sweating via evaporation in Giraffe was not being reported. Later on when the skin of giraffe was examining then conclude there are active sweat glands under the blotches other than on rest of skin. So, it concludes that in some circumstances the Giraffe sweat.

By merging the Blood vessels supplying to the patches then it’s not wrong of saying that these patches are windows for heat exhaustion. Due to the all the phenomenon, giraffe is most active in losing heat than any animal and that's why they can survive in any parched and hot environment easily.

Giraffe being the tallest animal, to drink water from river or lakes is always difficult and risky as the predators wait for an opportunity to easily stalk giraffe only when it comes to drink water.  Nature has engineered an innovative method in giraffe to overcome all the above obstacles.    Sweating although helps in thermoregulation, but do cause severe water loss.  Animal like giraffe with great surface area of skin, sweating means, disaster, as it has to search a water hole to immediately to replenish the water. 

 Further the leaves eaten by giraffe are not succulent (rich source of water).   Nature has made the giraffe to live with higher body temperature.  It means, the body temperature of giraffe rises gently above the temperature of its habitat so that the thermoregulation can be easily achieved and adjusted without sweating.  

Through the above process, perfect maintenance of the body temperature without any water loss is achieved by giraffe and hence there is no necessity for them to search and find water.   The risk of getting attacked by the predatory animals especially when giraffe bend down to drink water also can be avoided easily.

Before the time of Darwin, there is a complete debate on making the improvement in the thermoregulation in the giraffe neck. The French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck stated, the giraffe's neck become straight as they are trying to reach to the leaves from the trees. After that it was stated that advantage of having is long neck is much more worth than a giraffe short in size by the Darwin and his contemporary Alfred Russel Wallace turn head to Lamarckism.

Metabolism in giraffe:

As described before due to the significant structure and unusual shape led it to as the anomaly of nature (Warren, 1974). Experimental data for giraffe is more tough to find. For studying the physiology of giraffe three captive adult masai giraffe are used in which two females with weight of 570kg and 64kg and one male giraffe of weigh 580kg. In an altitude of height of 1500m close from the sites (for capturing), food and water is available there for giraffe (somehow cage in which they held on).

For two years, these three giraffe are being under custody during all the period of experiment and being observed daily. These observations are made when confined in crush otherwise they unchecked them. For this they need to walked into the crush and tolerated confinement with no visible stress.

A mass with light close made up of the 5-L polythene bottle enlarging next to the eye till next to the muzzle were fitted on the head of giraffe for conducting the respiratory experiment. The structure of mask is padded with foam polythene, inner side with the polythene sheet that can help to easily on to the muzzle and just like a flap valve that collect the air during the respiration, mask carried on the head of giraffe with the soft rubber collar.

An exhausted air through to the descant canister to the Douglas bag, this was observed that the conduit air was through the 22mm disc valve into the mask above from nostrils and outlet is 32 mm diameter disc valve to the 38mm flexible air hose. During under observation there was no distress happens due to the mask or any other apparatus.

Metabolism in Giraffe
25 breathes of giraffe were collected for analyzing in such process three valves, from the atmosphere the air exhaled by the giraffe and also sealed the desiccant from the atmosphere until needed. With usage of stop watch for recording the time of collecting exhaled air when valves are open. By watching the flank movement and with noise of disc valves closing, breathe are counted but only when two counts are agreed.

25 breathes are packed into the bad and then sealed it and watch make stop. contents of bag passed away to the Parkinson-Cowan dry volume bag into the another Douglas bag. Measured the Taylor servomex OA 272 paramagnetic oxygen from the bag in which the exhaled oxygen was collected. there is no heat and cooling was applied. The normal temperature 10 and 32C, use the diurnal temperature and ambient temperature.

Homeostasis in giraffe:

In these giraffe, careful open emasculation in conjunction with ligation prevented hemorrhage, which was subjectively viewed as the most likely serious complication of this procedure. Surgically castrated for population control and behavior management. The animals resided in ahead of 22 giraffes that included several intact mature and sub adult males, uncontracted mature and sub adult females, plus calves. 

Surgical castration was selected instead of blood less castration. Concerns with the age and size of the giraffe, wound healing, and post procedural anal-gesia dissuaded choice of elastrator or Bortuzzo methods. A pinhole castration technique, which involves percutaneous ligation of the spermatic cord may have been an option for these giraffe, but important documentation of this procedure was not available at the time their castration was required.

Homeostasis in Giraffe

Vasectomy was not chosen as it would not significantly reduce testosterone levels. It was hoped that castrates would show reduced interest in receptive female exhibited in public feeding areas and decreased aggression toward young, genetically desirable males scheduled for breeding. Each giraffe was anesthetized via remote injection with thiafentanil and ketamine an open castration technique was performed for each giraffe in an effort to decrease risk of hemorrhage given their large size.

 The scrotal skin was grasped ventral to the testicles and singularly incised, enabling successive exterior-ization of each testicle.  Following blunt dissection through subcutaneous fascia, a dorsoventralincision was made over each testicle through the tunica vaginitis, revealing each gonad and its spermatic cord. An emasculator was properly oriented and transversely clamped across each spermatic cord.

The crushing element of the emasculator was activated to provide hemostasis for 1–2 min while ligation of the spermatic cord was per-formed immediately proximal to the device with a single suture The suture was initially secured to the vas deferens. One of its ends was used to ligate the testicular artery and pumping-form plexus. The other suture end was passed to encompass the vasculature and vas deferens.

Splenic contraction reflected the hemoglobin, hematocrit and red blood cell count may increase. As seen in awake animals, fibrinogen and advancement of total protein and recommend the provoking the procedure either in BGT. predominately obtained from the anesthetized animals, that perhaps have an impact on to the corticosteroid and the lymphocytosis and eosinophilia that have influence on provoking or parasitic condition.

Descend of full bilirubin and GGT that may have resulted that animals are not fasted. Absence of the chemical restraint shows that the levels of creatine phosphokinase, LHD and AST. In the giraffe's the level of calcium and phosphorus are inverted. the tendency of this inversion is also in other hoof stock herds. Mineral of soils are being conjecture. The activities of amylase cannot be explained. Bothe through the author experienced and historic background, it is stated that pancreatic insufficiency been hypothesize in giraffe and also through the wasting syndromes pancreatic atrophy been noticed continuously.

For the perfect condition of examination, the chronic wasting syndrome are more essential which perhaps related to it and per acute mortality syndromes too for directing a herd with a system called chute system. How apparently the energy mal nutrition in to the giraffe, all the serum cobalamin, cobalt and plasma glucagon have been under consideration for determining. With failure of passive transfer with collection of plasma without the narcotics for neonates and the phlebotomy in the herds of giraffe and also include the coagulation profiles.

 Work cited:

1Department of Veterinary Physiology, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya, and 2 Nuffield Institute for
Medical Physiology, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K.
Rose Borkowski, D.V.M., Scott Citino, D.V.M., Dipl. A.C.Z.M., Mitch Bush, D.V.M., Dipl. A.C.Z.M.,Paul Wollenman, D.V.M., and Brenda Irvine, B.Sc.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa

Highest Building in world

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Burj khalifa is known as khalifa tower of before it was known as the Burj Dubai former name. The name from Burj Dubai to the burj Khalifa was changed when open tower publically in January 4 2010. The main reason why the name change from the Burj Dubai to the Burj Khalifa just because the name in the honor of Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Maktoum, who is president of Abu Dhabi as well as United Arab Emirates, due to the attack of financial Catastrophes in Dubai burj Khalifa and other developing projects are on the edge of faltering, in the days of calamity, the neighbor Abu Dhabi provided the funds for Dubai, the main reason the name burj khalifa instead of Burj Dubai.  In addition to the word Khalifa has an important impact in Islam, it means Islamic world's premier leader.
The Burj Khalifa Tower is situated at 1 Sheikh Muhammad bin Rashid Boulevard, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in Downtown Dubai. There are many districts in the city that is fill up with sky-high buildings along with the alongside of Sheikh Zayed Road. There is another significant Skyscraper is Dubai Marina that is approximately 11 miles away. On the right side of Burj khalifa, there is Dubai marina's location that is 2.1 miles away from the sea, so the natural sight neighborhood the tower is not as alluring as Dubai Marina, but there are several man-made lakes and rivers by side the tower, these lakes and rivers have made up for the lack to a definite range.
Burj khalifa “khalifa Tower" former known as Burj Dubai is the tallest Tower or skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and the world tallest building that ever built at 828m(2,717ft). It occupies the 126 floors very high. Construction of Burj Khalifa was started in the beginning of 2004 till to the end of 2009. In 2010, the building was officially opened for buyers, stakeholder, tourists and everyone. It is the tallest ever man made structure. Burj Khalifa Broke many record after to be into being such as Taipei 101 was the tallest Building ever since the Burj Khalifa was built. But as we know nothing can be so long, therefore Burj khalifa didn’t take this record for long because there is Jeddah tower in Jeddah are under construction in Saudi Arabia which will be 1 kilometer taller than Burj Khalifa.
From the beginning, the purpose behind Burj Khalifa was intentionally made world tallest building. The formal height authority is the Illinois Institute of Technology Council on Tall Buildings and Urban in Chicago, Illinois. The CTBUH evaluates building height (measured at the primary entrance from track).  Burj Dubai is the largest skyscraper of the world's 163rd floor: 828 m Building with the highest occupied floor.
The world's highest outdoor scrutiny is decorated at 452 m (124th floor). Installation of the inflated elevator of the world, located inside a shaft at the top of the building. World's inflated elevators at speed of 64 km/h (40 mph) or 18 m/s. highest vertical concrete pumping (for a building):606 m World's highest installation of an aluminum and glass frontage, at a height of 512 m. World's highest New Year fireworks display.
The Burj Khalifa Tower is located in downtown Dubai at 1 Sheik Muhammad bin Rashid Boulevard, Dubai, UAE. In propinquity, to Dubai's primary company district. Developed by leading developer Emaar Properties, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill of Chicago managed the tower's structure and engineering. This project was primarily contracted by South Korea's Samsung C&T, who also constructed Taipei 101 and Petronas Twin Towers. The major subcontractors were the Belgian company Besix and the Arabtec of the UAE. Project development started on September 21, 2004. The project, worth US$ 1.5 billion, has been re-named Burj Khalifa, pivotal to UAE President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan's vital support enlarges.


As the tallest tower need time to be construct, so the Burj khalifa take almost 5 years started form 21 September to 1 October 2009 to be completed. There must be enormous room within the tower so that the Burj Dubai has 163 usable floors including more 46 continuation level in the spire and 9 parking levels in the cellar and 309,473 m2 floor space. At Burj Khalifa's summit / peak, at 123 level, seduction must be seen and amazing views of the town and neighboring emirates are offered. The tower is affixed. The Offices, a prime office space 12-storey annex. They are located at the tower's top levels. They occupy 37 floors and merge into one office the top three floors. Express lifts bring tourists to the office straight to a level 123 lounge lobby.

How Burj Khalifa’s lower level stand the pressure?

Burj Khalifa is the highest one tower and the lower sections of the tower need to be standing in a lot of pressure such Burj Dubai is delineating as all buttress tactile construction with high-performance concrete from base level to level 156, and also the top with structured steel braced frame from level 156 to height. Burj Dubai's Y shape is as deliberate because engineers want to lower the tower's wind forces and maintain the tower's structure uncomplicated and cultivated building capacity. As the Tower id Hexagonal hub (six sided central core), each wing and its own high performance concrete corridor walls and perimeter columns that made it buttress.

Y-shaped structure 

In the Consequence, the tower is twisted homogeneous and closed tube due to the supremely hardened sideways. Each construction level lays the building up in a spiral step layout. The hitch is structured with the grid of the towers, so that the spout of the structures is adroit to provide a flat load route by distributing columns overhead with walls below. Spouting and shaping's edge is to confuse the wind. The wind counter blow is never structured because the widen counters have a distinct construction shape at each fresh level.

Internal structure 

Because of the peremptory request, the connection beams differ considerably. Dubai burj (tower) contains the 0.85 shear-span ratio, 650 mm wide and 825 mm high, the representative connection beams. For the design of buttress concrete connection beams: the traditional beam design method was used in the ACI 318-992 strut-and-tie operation in ACI 318-023, with Appendix A allowing the design of connection beams slightly above the traditionally structured peak depth in bean strain pavement In the case of members who were subjected to very large shear forces, merged structural steel components were produced within the core of the concrete connecting beams to bear the shear and swing demand completely.

Link Beam in Burj khalifa

How does the Burj Khalifa Stand in wind speed for years without getting affected?

In accurate way, there is no sub merging system in Burj khalifa like others. Burj khalifa has itself as a damping structural integrity of building that confuses the wind. The wind forces are confusing due to the design of building as Bill baker said. The structure of Burj khalifa is like that when the wind forces increase then the size of building also increasing and as Burj khalifa is tallest one then if allowable deflection is 3m then environment inside the building will be uncomfortable. For that, for making the environment inside comfortable they modified the building profile according to the wind so that the wind layer formed around the building is turbulent one. Moreover, the wind following will confused due to the change in shape and structure as increasing in height. Due to the reason helps the tower to remain upright as the wind forces reduces vigorously. Spinal wall system and tower frame will have carried the sideways wind forces too. Phenomenon they have used for reducing this wind pressure and profile around the structures and found that it is actually the best way to reduce the wind forces.

Wind impact
Not even just wind forces that can effect tower but also have to resist in case of earthquake then building frames and shear core works in the same manner. As many tubes of different height merged together and forms a shape of three wings, as the building is full of tubes. Each one tube is located at the 120 degrees from others. This will help in retaining against the earthquake.  The shear lag reduction due to the belt wall and outrigger truss apart from other systems.
Furthermore, wind features are Variation of wind with velocity, wind turbulence, statistical probability, Vortex shedding phenomenon, Dynamic nature of interaction of wind structure.
As the velocity of adjacent earth's surface is almost zero due to the viscosity air reduces its velocity.

Variation of wind velocity with height
Two elements are regarded: mean height-related speed element, turbulent speed that stays the same over height, structural engineering-related wind-related.

Wind turbulence
for the Low wind speed, the long wind oscillation become parallel to the wind direction, it’s called shedding that can be occur on either side of the building.
The vortices of wind are shedding for higher speed of wind such as from one side to the other side of building. First there is impulse in wind side direction the three will be the impulse to the other transverse side of direction.
The shedding of the Vortex, which was deemed two-dimensional: wind along and transverse wind. When the wind speed I’d is small then the shedding happens on either side of the house with the same instant, so it is shown that the oscillations along the wind are parallel to the direction of the wind. But when the wind is at elevated velocity, the vortices and the shed alternate between one hand and the other for the wind. This situation also creates an impulse in the direction, but also in the direction of the transverse.

Vertices shedding behavior

As Burj Khalifa is one of the tallest tower of world, so enjoy time there is for anyone is spectacular with its beautiful heighted views, people use to gain little place there and felt privilege. Tower is being in mix use such as for different variety of purpose such as for office, hotels, restaurants, observation and communications.
The beautiful structure of burj Khalifa made itself a tallest tower of world and man-made structure that will be able to stand in viscosity of wind, earthquakes. The Structure that helps in maintaining to bear the wind speed that bearing for years without affecting. The concrete made up of corridor helps in bearing the pressure on the lower part of the tower. The beams and the elastic material made it flexible. In short the structural engineering applied for constructing in Burj Khalifa is spectacular and mind blowing.
As being the tallest building of the world, Burj Khalifa has broken world records. As being the 828 meters and 160 stories, Burj Khalifa forms many other records. Such as Burj Khalifa is the tallest building of the worlds as well as the tallest free stand structure of the world. Also having the highest number of stories in the world and highest occupied stories in the world. The longest Travel distance ever, the elevator with the highest travelling distance as well the longest service providing ever.
An ice thermal storage system within the district cooling plant being employed in tower to increase the energy efficiency of cooling system in Burj Khalifa. Due to this decrease the high-loads conditions and consumption in day time.
For reducing the temperature of chilled water, the whole system includes the ice slurry. That ice is installed in off-peak periods and in night times a thermal storage unit being use all the time of it.
In USA and Europe, this system of cooling is being in use. Moreover, it was believed first ever system employed in Middle East is Burj Khalifa and the chiller capacity up to 35%.
In the installed ice, if we compare with ice installed is eight time greater than the similar volume required for chilled water, which makes approving for cooling plants.
Cost also reduce 30-40% in the size due to the auxiliary equipment and it transfer the chiller water and further from the chiller side, the use of smaller equipment’s such as pipes and pumps etc.


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Burj Khalifa